Monday, November 15, 2010

Salad With Ren & Stimpy

I achieved a boyish brush with fame today when I was able to visit Jim Ballantine at his Sydney-based Flying Bark studios.

For those of you wondering what I'm talking about, this is the guy who made Ren and Stimpy a reality and changed the course of my tweenage years (not to mention my definition of what "funny" is).

As we sat over salads and sparkling water I was interested to hear Jim speak of the early days of Ren and Stimpy, when the network only had six episodes. These episodes would be repeated on rotation for 18 months. Each week, more and more people began watching the show and the network finally twigged that more content was needed.

This was back in the early 90's, which although is nearly 20 years ago now is essentially an analogue version of how YouTube success can be created. I saw many similarities between this and the Beached Az content I've been involved in over at The Handsomity Institute.

Jim was quick to point out the cruel impact of the digital social world on this method of building an audience; "I don't think this model would work now," Jim says.

Nonetheless I am always captivated when my eyes are opened up to moments that show me online content isn't the new and scary territory many paint it out to be. It is merely an extension of what we've been doing since not only 20 years ago, but since the birth of communication itself...

Telling stories.

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